Hi, I'm Bram.
I'm a New York based programmer, music lover & infrastructure engineer.
Some of my programming interests are algorithms, distributed systems and security.
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If you want to use PGP, my key fingerprint is:
51FD DD52 4D8B FB33 7246 D467 0BB5 726B C83D 5640
Work Experience Education
Work Experience & Education

Staff Engineer
I work in the Compute & Networking product area, on things like:
- IPv6 adoption
- Infrastructure reliability & failure domains
- Machine Learning infrastructure
- Cost reduction initiatives

Senior Engineer
I work on core infrastructure at Spotify, including:
- DNS, both internal and external
- Kubernetes cluster administration
- Infrastructure automation with Puppet and Terraform
- Incident management

Data Infrastructure Engineer
I built and maintained tools to help Spotify be a data-driven company. Two of the main projects I was involved in are:
- migrating from on-premise to Google Cloud Platform
- design and implementation of infrastructure that supports GDPR
MSc. Data Intensive Computing
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Master thesis graded A

SICS Swedish ICT
I worked on HopsFS, a distributed filesystem based on the Apache Hadoop distributed file system. My area of responsibility was support for heterogeneous storage: making the file system aware of differences in hardware (e.g. harddisks vs. flash storage) and optimizing distribution of files to maximize utilization of the hardware.
Nov 2015 - June 2016
MSc. Distributed Systems & Services
Technische Universität Berlin
My major, Distributed Systems and Services, focuses on a broad range of applications like electronic commerce, mobile services, online social networks, peer-to-peer systems and Web services.
Oct 2014 - Oct 2015
Backend developer
Gambify GmbH
Reimplementing the backend of the social betting platform Gambify, with a focus on scalability. This meant redesigning and rewriting the entire backend as a team of 3 engineers.
Feb 2015 - July 2015
BSc. Computer Science
University of Twente
- Best paper award for bachelor thesis
- Extra curricular track: Excellence Stream Mathematics
- Minor in "Social and Technological Philosophy"
- Bachelor thesis "Simple and Efficient Searchable Symmetric Encryption with Application", graded 9/10